Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Faculty of Medicine, Dr Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia.
Abstract: (1897 Views)
Objectives: This review aimed at exploring the effect of the Holy Qur’an recitation (HQR) therapy in patients admitted to intensive care unit (ICU).
Methods: The relevant articles in the last 10 years were reviewed to obtain data about the application of the HQR and its effects on physiological parameters and neuropsychological functions. Twenty-four articles were relevant to the topic, which consisted of 9 review articles, 14 original articles, and 1 web page.
Results: HQR therapy is a non-pharmacological therapy given to ICU patients to improve their physiological and psychological parameters that disturbed due to stressors in the ICU. The form of therapeutic intervention for listening to the HQR varies based on the time of administration, the length of therapy, and the chapter (Surah) read. The HQR therapy had a therapeutic effect by relieving the discomfort caused by the treatment and creating a peaceful mind. The average duration of listening to the HQR therapy is about 30 minutes, with the administration time during spontaneous breathing trials or while the patient is still on mechanical ventilation.
Discussion: The HQR could change the physiological parameters of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Listening to HQR involves religious and spiritual characteristics associated with stress, anxiety, and depression. Spirituality is related to cognitive and emotional functions such as belief, motivation, and feeling close to God, so this therapy was used to improve cognitive and psychological functions. The HQR therapy decreases the degree of pain. After receiving the HQR therapy, the psychological function is enhanced by reducing stress levels, anxiety, depression, or other emotional disorders.
Coresponding author: Arnengsih Nazir, E-mail:
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The Holy Qur’an recitation therapy could alleviate cognitive and psychological dysfunction in patients in intensive care units.
• We studied when and how long the Holy Qur’an recitation therapy could give effective results.
Plain Language Summary
We reviewed the last 10 years’ published articles about how the Holy Qur’an recitation therapy has affected critically-ill patients’ physiological, cognitive, and psychological functions based on the duration, starting time, and the patient’s conscious level. Listening to the Holy Qur’an recitation for about 30 minutes turns out to have improved heart and lung function, decreased stress levels, and reduced patients’ pain levels.
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Reviews |
Rehabilitation Management Received: 2022/08/23 | Accepted: 2023/05/6 | Published: 2023/06/7