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• Ankle sprain is one of the most common injuries to the musculoskeletal system, especially among active people.
• Research findings showed that compared to uninjured and impaired participants, individuals with chronic ankle instability (CAI) had less balance and more functional limitations.
• By removing visual feedback in all groups (CAI, Coper, prone, and healthy), the amount of ankle sways, hip sways, and the ratio of the hip to ankle sways in both anterior and posterior disturbance was more than the state of open eyes.
• Rehabilitation should pay attention to balance recovery strategies and factors affecting it in athletes with ankle injuries.
Plain Language Summary
The sense of vision plays a direct and essential role in balancing, with the moment-to-moment information it gives to the nervous system from the surrounding environment. Any reduced or impairment in vision leads to alternations in motor function and balance. The lack of vision, in addition to making changes in postural control, results in increased social dependence, restricted daily activities, reduced self-confidence, and increased risk of falls. Controlling balance depends on the integration of afferent information from the vestibular, visual, and sensory systems. When the activity of one of the systems involved in postural control is reduced or completely lost, decreased performance occurs in other mechanisms involved in postural control. The importance of examining visual dependence and recovery of balance strategy in different ranges of ankle injuries has not been studied so far. The present research revealed that removing visual feedback in all groups (chronic ankle instability, Coper, prone to ankle injury, and healthy), the amount of ankle sways, hip sways, and the ratio of hip to ankle sways in both anterior and posterior disturbance was more than the state of open eyes. Ankle injuries can play an important role in transferring balance recovery strategies from the ankle to the hip and provide the basis for reducing the balance ability in athletes. Therefore, special attention should be paid to balance recovery strategies and factors affecting it in athletes with ankle injuries to control posture in training plans for ankle sprain rehabilitation.