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Javanbakht M, Seddigh-Hamidi P, Vahedi M. Persian Version of the Hyperacusis Questionnaire: The Translation Process, Psychometric Properties, and Diagnostic Criteria in Normal Hearing People. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2023; 21 (1) :65-72
URL: http://irj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1491-fa.html
Persian Version of the Hyperacusis Questionnaire: The Translation Process, Psychometric Properties, and Diagnostic Criteria in Normal Hearing People. مجله انگلیسی زبان توانبخشی. 1402; 21 (1) :65-72

URL: http://irj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1491-fa.html

چکیده:   (2072 مشاهده)
Objectives: The current study was performed to determine the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Khalfa Hyperacusis questionnaire (HQ) and its differential validity between normal people and patients with hyperacusis or tinnitus.
Methods: The international quality of life assessment (IQoLA) method was considered for the translation process. After determining face and content validities of the Persian version, 81 patients with hyperacusis and or tinnitus (22 participants with hyperacusis, 18 with hyperacusis and tinnitus and 41 with tinnitus) with a mean age of 40±2.9 years and 80 normal people with a mean age of 36.9±1.31 years were tested for reliability and differential validity for clinical use. The reliability of this questionnaire was tested through the test-retest method in all participants of both groups with an interval of two weeks.
Results: The content validity ratio and content validity index approved the face validity of the Persian version of the HQ. The average total score for patients in group 1 was 21.3, significantly higher than 3.75 for the normal group. A high total score Cronbach coefficient was found to be 0.90, which approved the internal consistency of the HQ. The cut-off point of the questionnaire was estimated to be 17.5 for the total HQ score in the Persian version. The Persian version of the HQ shows high reliability with an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.97.
Discussion: The Persian version of the HQ showed high validity and reliability, which suggests its usefulness in hyperacusis clinics. A total HQ score of 17.5 or more is indicated as a cut-off point for classifying hyperacusis patients. Further studies on other populations are suggested for generalizing the results.
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نوع مقاله: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: شنوایی شناسی
دریافت: 1400/7/24 | پذیرش: 1401/8/28 | انتشار: 1401/12/10

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