Ethics code: IR.MAZUMS.REC.1402.094

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چکیده:   (96 مشاهده)
The upper limb plays a crucial role in daily life activities, self-care, work, leisure, and social activities. It enables us to perform essential tasks such as eating, drinking, writing, and searching the environment, leading to increased cognition and intelligence in children. While mobility aids exist for individuals with lower limb disabilities, there is a lack of suitable technical solutions for those with upper limb disorders due to structural and joint complications. Upper limb orthoses are external devices used to restore or improve the functional and structural features of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. While electric forces (battery-powered) are used in some lower limb orthoses in Iran, functional upper limb orthoses are not available. This study aimed to design and manufacture an upper limb orthosis capable of lifting and moving the limb without the need for electrical driving force, solely relying on the remaining muscle strength in other muscles or the trunk muscles. This orthosis facilitates flexion and abduction movements of the shoulder joint, allowing the wrist to be in the extension position and the elbow to be in the flexion position during shoulder flexion.
نوع مقاله: نامه به سردبير | موضوع مقاله: ارتوپدی فنی
دریافت: 1402/5/22 | پذیرش: 1402/8/23

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