دوره 15، شماره 4 - ( December 1396 )                   جلد 15 شماره 4 صفحات 376-367 | برگشت به فهرست نسخه ها

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Azad A, Taghizadeh G, Ghorbanpoor H, Lajevardi L, Farhadian M. Relationship Between Laterality and Handedness With the Higher Order Sensory Functions and Manual Dexterity of the Elderly. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2017; 15 (4) :367-376
URL: http://irj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-748-fa.html
Relationship Between Laterality and Handedness With the Higher Order Sensory Functions and Manual Dexterity of the Elderly. مجله انگلیسی زبان توانبخشی. 1396; 15 (4) :367-376

URL: http://irj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-748-fa.html

چکیده:   (6382 مشاهده)
Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the possible effects of laterality and handedness on higher-order sensory functions and manual dexterity of the elderly.
Methods: In this non-experimental cross-sectional study, 58 elderly people aged 60-75 years (35 right-handed) were recruited through a convenience sampling method. Laterality of the selected subjects was examined using the Edinburg test, while the higher-order sensory functions were assessed via haptic performance along with weight and texture discrimination tests. Gross and fine manual dexterity functions were assessed with the help of the box-and-block and Purdue pegboard tests, respectively.
Results: Results showed that the main effects of laterality and handedness, as well as the interaction effect of laterality × handedness on the haptic performance of the elderly were not significant. However, the main and interaction effects of laterality and handedness on the texture and weight discrimination of the elderly were significant. On the other hand, the main and interaction effects of laterality and handedness on the gross and fine manual dexterity of the elderly were not found to be significant.
Discussion: Laterality has no effect on the higher-order sensory functions of right- and left-handed elderly people. However, effects of laterality on fine motor dexterity in right-handed individuals were detected.
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نوع مقاله: پژوهشي | موضوع مقاله: کاردرمانی
دریافت: 1396/2/25 | پذیرش: 1396/5/17 | انتشار: 1396/9/10

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