Proper speech functioning in human being, depends on the precise coordination and timing balances in a series of complex neuro nuscular movements and actions. Starting from the prime organ of energy source of expelled air from respirato y system; deliver such air to trigger vocal cords; swift changes of this phonatory episode to a comprehensible sound in RESONACE and final coordination of all head and neck structures to elicit final speech in Articulators, are needed to function elegantly together. Any defects in this pathway with any etiology, creates speech difficulties. Reconstructive procedures to correct these defects as much as possible is the basis of Speech Reconstructive Surgery. Embellishing a team work, consisting of different specialties with a major role for speech and language pathologists is the golden opportunity to gain a successive information which helps the surgeon in pre,intra,and postoperative period. Mutual exchanges of information among these different specialties related to speech pathology, will initiate a great success for everyone in the team, especially the patient.