Volume 13, Issue 4 (December 2015)                   Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2015, 13(4): 24-27 | Back to browse issues page

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Lotfi Y, Moossavi A, Farahani A, Eftekharian A, Ajalloian M, Bakhshi E. Evaluation of Saccular Function Pre-Post Cochlear Implant Surgery Using VEMPs . Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2015; 13 (4) :24-27
URL: http://irj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-483-en.html
1- University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
2- Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
3- Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran.
4- Baghiyatallahelazam University of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (5595 Views)

Objectives: The aim of present study was evaluation of saccule function in cochlear implant candidates with severe to profound sensory neural hearing loss Before and after cochlear implantation

Methods: In this study 35 cochlear implant (CI) candidates with bilateral severe to profound sensory neural hearing loss before and about 30 days after cochlear implant and 20 normal-hearing cases as a control group underwent VEMP test. Both groups were matched based on gender and age.

Results: VEMP responses were absent bilaterally in 10 out of 35 patients. 4 patients were excluded from the study because they did not receive CI during present study. From 21 remaining patients, 5 cases lost VEMP responses in their implanted ear after surgery. In control group, VEMP responses were present bilaterally.

Discussion: The results of present study indicate that saccule dysfunction in CI candidates is extremely probable and this is possible that saccule get impaired after CI.

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Article type: Original Research Articles |
Received: 2015/09/20 | Accepted: 2015/11/20 | Published: 2015/12/1

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