Cerón-Perdomo D, Mancipe-García C, Fernández-Ávila D G, Muñoz-Velandia Ó, García Á. Use and Impact of Social Networks on Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Scientific Journals. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2020; 18 (2) :223-230
1- Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.
2- Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Service, Hospital Central Policía Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
3- Department of Internal Medicine, Rheumatology Unit, Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.
4- Department of Internal Medicine, Cardiology Unit, Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.
Abstract: (2793 Views)
Objectives: Our research seeks to examine the correlation between the presence of physical medicine and rehabilitation journals in social networks and the SJR impact factor.
Methods: We carried out a correlation study. For the research, we took into account all physical medicine and rehabilitation journals included in the SCImago Journal Rank. The number of followers on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and the number of tweets were extracted from verified accounts. Journal differences according to the presence in social networks were evaluated using non-parametric tests, and the Spearman correlation coefficient was calculated between the metrics of dissemination in social networks and the SCImago Journal Rank.
Results: Out of 122 physical medicine and rehabilitation journals, 25.4% had the presence in one social network. The H Index medians (32 vs 17, P=0.014) and of the SJR (0.67 vs 0.32, P= 0.001) were better in journals with the presence in social networks. A moderate correlation was found between the SJR and the number of followers on Twitter (r=0.5, P=0.066). The global correlation between the SJR and followers on Facebook was acceptable (r=0.4, P=0.1205).
Discussion: Our data show that scientific journals of physical medicine and rehabilitation with presence in social networks have superior quality metrics. Additionally, SJR and the indicators of dissemination in social networks are moderately correlated. Both metrics offer complementary information. Presence in social networks could improve the visibility of journals and their interaction with readers.
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● The medians of the H Index and the SJR were significantly higher as compared with the journals without social networks in physical medicine and rehabilitation journals with social networks.
● Among the analyzed social networks, the most commonly used was Facebook followed by Twitter.
● There is a moderate correlation between the SJR and the number of followers in Twitter.
Plain Language Summary
Our research seeks to evaluate the dissemination of information by scientific journals of physical medicine and rehabilitation. We evaluated the correlation between the presence of physical medicine and rehabilitation journals in social networks through indicators of social networks activity (number of followers, number of tweets) and the SJR impact factor (numeric value indicating the number of citations per year per manuscript published in a journal during the previous 3 years). Out of the 122 physical medicine and rehabilitation journals reviewed in the SCImago ranking platform, 25.4% were active at least in one social network. Among the analyzed social networks, the most commonly used was Facebook followed by Twitter. The H Index and SJR medians were significantly better in journals with the presence in social networks and the group of journals with social networks was more frequently classified in the Q1 quartile. Our data suggest that social networks facilitate access to information in real time reaching a wider audience. We found that having social networks is associated with a greater impact on scientific journals of physical medicine and rehabilitation. We consider social networks an opportunity for many journals to expand their scope, improve their visibility and interaction with readers, and finally, social networks can provide to the authors a tool to select the best journal to widely diffuse their research results.
Article type:
Original Research Articles |
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Received: 2019/10/25 | Accepted: 2020/01/18 | Published: 2020/06/1
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