Kaiser M, Carrascob C A. Reliability of the Modified In-hand Manipulation Test and the Relationship Between In-hand Manipulation and Handwriting. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2019; 17 (3) :279-284
1- Departemant of Direction, School of Health Sciences, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Genève, Switzerland.
2- Departemant of Occupational Therapy Service, University Hospital, Pierre-Decker, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Abstract: (4011 Views)
Objectives: This study aimed at analyzing the test-retest and interrater reliabilities of the Test of In-Hand Manipulation-Modified (TIHM-M), as well as the relationship between in-hand manipulation and handwriting.
Methods: We administered the TIHM-M twice, two days apart, and the Beknopte Beoordelingsmethode voor Kinder Handschriften (BHK) - Concise Assessment Method for children’s handwriting test once to 105 children (51 boys and 54 girls) aged 6.5 to 9.5 years in regular school. Speed and quality of in-hand manipulation and handwriting were recorded. We performed a Pearson correlation test for the relationship between the speeds and the qualities of the TIHM-M and the BHK.
Results: Test-retest of the TIHM-M was excellent for the speed (ICC=0.84; 95% CI:0.73-0.90) and good for the quality (ICC=0.62, 95% CI:0.36-0.78). Interrater reliabilities for both speed (ICC= 0.87; 95% CI:0.78-0.92) and quality (ICC= 0.86, 95% CI:0.60-0.84) were also excellent. We found a significant relationship between the speeds of the TIHM-M and the BHK, but there was no significant relationship between the qualities of handwriting and the TIMH-M.
Discussion: The TIMH-M assessed the speed and the quality of in-hand manipulations, and it had good reliability. Nevertheless, the relationship between in-hand manipulation and handwriting needs more investigation to be confirmed.
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● In-hand manipulations are part of fine motor skills and play a role in activities of daily living.
● The modified in-hand manipulation test that provides a total score based on speed and quality performance is a reliable test for children aged 6.5 to 9.5 years old.
● The relationship between in-hand manipulation and handwriting needs more investigation to be confirmed.
Plain Language Summary
In-hand manipulations are movements that are done with one hand to manipulate small objects. They are part of fine motor skills and play a role in activities such as using a key, buttoning, manipulations of coins, or using fork and knife. It is essential to have a reliable test to assess these manipulations. We used a test that includes rotation of 5 pegs, translation of 3, 4, and 5 pegs from fingers to palm and reverse, and shift that are finger movements along with a stick forth and back. The objectives were to analyze: 1. the test-retest reliability to know if the results of the test are similar after a short period of time; 2. the interrater reliability to identify if two assessors will find the same results; 3. the relationship between the in-hand manipulation and handwriting to understand the role of in-hand manipulation in handwriting. We found a good test-retest and interrater reliabilities, which means that this test can be used by professionals to identify children with in-hand difficulties. A significant correlation was established between the speed of the TIHM-M and the speed of handwriting, which means if the children are slow to realize in-hand manipulation, they may be slow in handwriting, too. More investigation is needed to confirm this point.
Article type:
Original Research Articles |
Occupational therapy Received: 2018/11/17 | Accepted: 2019/03/3 | Published: 2019/09/1
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