Mohseni F, Moghimi Khorasani E, Nadi Ghara A A, Rafaiee R. Arrestees Substance Abuse: Moving Toward Rehabilitation Camps or Prisons. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2020; 18 (1) :65-72
1- Student Research Committee, School of Medicine, Shahroud University of Medical Sciences, Shahroud, Iran.
2- Department of Administration, Faculty of Management, Payamnoor University, Shahroud, Iran.
3- Health Sciences Research Center, Addiction Research Institute, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran.
4- Department of Neuroscience, School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran.
Abstract: (4639 Views)
Objectives: Illicit drug abuse and drug-related crimes are still a growing problem worldwide. Understanding the increasing number of individuals arrested for drug charges, as well as their characteristics is necessary to predict and establish preventive and treatment programs.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Shahroud, Northeast of Iran from 2015-2018. Data were collected at the time of arrest from all homeless addicts and drug offenders arrested by the police and were sent to the rehabilitation camps or prisons (n=5486).
Results: Drug-related charges were the largest category of arrest charges in Shahroud. The mean age of arrestees had significantly decreased each year. In total, 19.1% of the arrestees were referred to the rehabilitation camps (18.6% male and 40.3% female). The number of cases arrested for drug charges referred to the rehabilitation camps had significantly increased over time in both men and women. The number of arrestees showed an increase each year, whereas their mean age had decreased significantly.
Discussion: Drug-related laws in Iran have been reformed, emphasizing the judicial supervision of arrest, treatment, and release processes. Treatment of arrestees with drug abuse provides opportunities for decreasing substance abuse and criminal behaviors and rearrests.
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● Drug-related charges were the largest category of arrest charges.
● Arrestees with drug abuse were predominantly young males, often single, with a low level of education.
● The mean age of arrestees with drug abuse significantly decreased every year.
● The number of arrestees with drug abuse who referred to the rehabilitation camps significantly increased.
Plain Language Summary
In small cities of Iran, which are situated on trafficking routes, drug addiction and trafficking are prevalent among young people. Drug charges comprised the largest category of arrest charges in Shahroud, Iran. Regarding the high cost and negative effects of imprisoning the substance users, many authorities have begun to consider different alternatives approaches. The number of arrestees with drug abuse referring to the rehabilitation camps significantly increased over time in both men and women. It should be noted that those who were referred to compulsory camps by the police are treated free of charge. Individual, family, and group counseling is included in the considered intervention in camps to prevent relapse after recovery and achieve complete abstinence.
Article type:
Original Research Articles |
Addiction Received: 2019/03/27 | Accepted: 2019/10/10 | Published: 2020/03/1
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