Masoudnia E. Effectiveness of Addiction Treatment Programs in Iran in Terms of Social, Psychological, Economic, and Therapeutic Outcomes: An Appraisal. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2023; 21 (3) :435-450
Department of Sociology, Faculty of Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.
Abstract: (1258 Views)
Objectives: In recent years, various treatment programs have been implemented in Iran aimed at rehabilitation and improvement of drug-dependent patients but so far, few studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of different treatment programs in terms of different outcomes. This study was conducted to determine the differences among patients participating in three therapeutic programs, outpatient, mid-term residential program, and therapeutic community (TC) in terms of social, psychological, economic, and therapeutic outcomes.
Methods: The present study was conducted using a descriptive design and ex post facto method. Data were collected from patients participating in three treatment plans (outpatient treatment=49; mid-term residential treatment=49; and TC plan=49). Patients participating in the TC program were all enumerated and patients participating in the outpatient and mid-term residency treatment plan were selected by random sampling. Data collection tools were a socio-demographic characteristics checklist, researcher-made questionnaire for relapse, a general health questionnaire (GHQ), a world health organization quality of life (WHOQOL) questionnaire, and a family relationship index (FRI). The data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), chi-square, and Scheffe’s post hoc test.
Results: Significant differences were observed between the three treatments in terms of the rate of relapse (P<0.01), participation in criminal activities (P<0.01), changes in drug use in the treatment process or after treatment (P<0.01), employment status (P<0.01), mental health (P<0.01), quality of life (P<0.01), and family relationships index (FRI) (P<0.01).
Discussion: The TC program showed more positive outcomes in terms of the rate of relapse and quality of life compared to the other two therapeutic programs. The outpatient treatment program was more effective in terms of participation in criminal activities, changes in drug use, employment, and quality of family relationships. The mid-term residency program showed a low or negative impact on all studied outcomes. Therefore, it is necessary to reevaluate the programs presented in the mid-term residential program.
Coresponding author: Ebrahim Masoudnia, E-mail:
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• The rate of relapse/recidivism among patients participating in the mid-term residential treatment program was higher than in the therapeutic community (TC) and outpatient programs.
• The rate of criminal activity patients participating in the mid-term residential treatment program was higher than in the TC and outpatient programs.
• Patients participating in outpatient treatment had better general health and overall quality of life.
• Patients in the TC program reported more problems on the family relationship index (FRI) compared to the outpatient and TC treatment programs
Plain Language Summary
Drug addiction has many side effects for both the individual and the community. A wide range of treatment and support programs and services exists for people with drug problems in Iran. The main support programs for quitting addiction in Iran are the therapeutic community (TC) program (TC, mid-term treatment program, and outpatient treatment program. The present study showed that the rate of relapse/recidivism and criminal activity among patients participating in the mid-term residential treatment program was higher than the TC and outpatient programs while the mental health status and quality of life of the participants in the outpatient treatment program were better. Also, patients in the TC program reported more problems on the family relationship index (FRI) compared to the outpatient and TC treatment programs.
Article type:
Original Research Articles |
Addiction Received: 2021/10/5 | Accepted: 2023/06/20 | Published: 2023/09/6
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