R V, Reni P S, Kunnath S K, George V M. A Brief Report on Telerehabilitation During COVID-19 Outbreak at a Tertiary Care Center in Kerala, India. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2023; 21 (2) :375-378
1- Department of Neuro-Developmental Sciences, National Institute of Speech and Hearing, Kerala, India.
2- Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, National Institute of Speech and Hearing, Kerala, India.
Abstract: (1775 Views)
The unanticipated lockdown following the COVID-19 outbreak significantly impacted the field of rehabilitation, compelling the professionals to switch to tele-mode to continue providing their service without interruption. This article aims to highlight the steps taken to overcome the various challenges that were encountered in this period and to strengthen the opportunities in telerehabilitation services at a tertiary care center in Kerala, India. An average of 1000 clients were served monthly through telerehabilitation in various units at the selected institute during the COVID-19 pandemic. The telerehabilitation services included assessments, intervention, and counseling for clients of all ages with various types of disabilities. A high literacy rate and better access to technology among the general population in Kerala, India were identified as advantages for the rapid implementation of telerehabilitation as a viable form of service delivery.
Coresponding author: Preethy Susan Reni, E-mail: preeth@nish.ac.in
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This study investigated the challenges encountered to implement telerehabilitation during the COVID-19 pandemic.
• This study demonstrates the steps taken to enhance telerehabilitation services in a tertiary care center.
• Results show telerehabilitation as a feasible form of delivering clinical services.
Plain Language Summary
Telerehabilitation refers to the use of information and communication technologies to provide rehabilitation to patients at home or in other similar environments. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 epidemic, rehabilitation professionals had to shift from the face-to-face method of therapy to telerehabilitation, as it was the first time for most of them. This article discusses the steps taken at a tertiary care center (National Institute of Speech and Hearing [NISH]) in Kerala, India to overcome the barriers and expand the opportunities for telerehabilitation during the COVID-19 outbreak. An average of 1000 clients were monthly served through telerehabilitation at NISH. The feedback collected from the clients and caretakers revealed that the majority of the patients were satisfied with the telerehabilitation provided at the center. Accordingly, telerehabilitation was a feasible strategy during the COVID-19 outbreak to supplement in-person clinical services.
Article type:
Brief Report |
Rehabilitation Management Received: 2022/04/26 | Accepted: 2023/02/7 | Published: 2023/06/7
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