Chaudhary S, Kaur H. Transient Change in Core Strength, Endurance, and Upper Limb Isometric Strength After Core Stabilisation Knockdown Protocol in Female Athletes. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2023; 21 (3) :485-494
1- MYAS-GNDU Department of Sports Sciences and Medicine, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India.
Abstract: (1253 Views)
Objectives: We assessed the effect of change in core isometric strength and endurance on upper limb isometric strength in female athletes.
Methods: In this experimental study, 32 female athletes aged 18-25 years were recruited based on the inclusion criteria. (17 cases in the experimental group and 15 cases in the control group). Before and after the core stabilization knockdown protocol, participants were assessed for isometric core strength (abdomen/back rehab 5310; rehab line), core endurance (curl-up test), and upper limb isometric strength (push up/pull down rehab 5120; rehab line).
Results: The results showed a significant reduction in abdomen, back, push-up, pull-down isometric strength, and curl-up test scores in the experimental group and no significant differences in these parameters in the control group after the protocol. The experimental and control groups showed significant differences in the aforementioned parameters after the protocol.
Discussion: This research suggests that performing extensive and exclusive core exercises to relieve fatigue prior to upper limb training can decrease the potential for core activation. This can ultimately lead to reduced effectiveness of upper extremity exercises or rehabilitation sessions, which can lead to upper body injuries. These exercises can be useful to enhance the knowledge regarding the sequencing of core and upper limb exercises in an athlete’s training protocols.
Coresponding author: Sarika Chaudhary, E-mail:
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• Core strength is a crucial component in maximizing upper limb performance.
• There is a relationship between core activation/stabilization and isometric strength of muscles surrounding the shoulder.
• Exclusive core training should be done after an upper body workout, not before, and additionally, core exercises should be integrated with upper body workouts.
Plain Language Summary
Enhancing core stability is essential to improve athletic performance. It has been demonstrated that enhanced trunk stability further promotes athletic performance by laying the groundwork for increased limb force and generation of power. It is believed that optimal core strength will enable an athlete to effectively transfer forces from the lower extremities to the upper extremities through the torso. The current study found a corresponding significant reduction in upper limb isometric strength with momentary alteration in core strength and endurance, which was greater in pull down exercise group than push up muscle group, suggesting that performing extensive and exclusive core exercises to relieve fatigue before upper extremity training can reduce the potential for core activation. Therefore, athletes and coaches should consider that exclusive and extensive core training should be done after an upper-body training session, not before, and additionally, core exercises should be integrated with upper-body workouts.
Article type:
Original Research Articles |
Sport rehabilitation Received: 2022/06/7 | Accepted: 2023/06/27 | Published: 2023/09/6
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