Saleem M, Javaid H, Nisar T. Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Students’ Well-being: The Mediating Role of Subjective Vitality. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2023; 21 (3) :543-552
1- Department of Psychology, School of Liberal and Creative Arts (Social Science and Languages), Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India.
2- Department of Psychology, Faculty of Education and Behavioural Science, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir.
3- Department of Teacher Traning and Non-Formal Education (IASE), Faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India
Abstract: (1512 Views)
Objectives: The self-determination theory (SDT) posits that basic psychological needs (BPNs) are indispensable and vital nutrients for well-being. The present research was done to apply SDT to understand students’ well-being, which proposes that the realization and fulfillment of BPNs and subjective vitality significantly influence the overall well-being of an individual. Therefore, the current study analyzed the mediational effect of subjective vitality in the BPN satisfaction and well-being relationship.
Methods: This study included a sample of 219 (165 females and 54 males) university students with a mean age of 25 years. The basic psychological needs satisfaction and frustration scale (BPNSFS) was used to assess BPNs. Subjective vitality was assessed using a 6-item individual difference version subjective vitality scale by Ryan and Frederick, and well-being was evaluated by the WHO well-being index. Correlational and multiple regression analysis was done and mediational analysis was done using Hayes PROCESS macro.
Results: The results indicated that fulfillment of BPNs (β=0.413, P<0.01) and subjective vitality (β=0.208, P<0.01) are significant predictors of students› well-being. Mediation analysis showed that subjective vitality completely mediated the relationship between BPN satisfaction and well-being. Furthermore, the measures of BPNS (t=2.242) and well-being (t=2.154) differed significantly, while no significant differences were found in subjective vitality (t=0.108) with respect to gender.
Discussion: The findings of this study highlighted the role of BPN satisfaction and subjective vitality in the promotion of students’ well-being. Moreover, the present study highlighted the underlying mechanism, through which BPNs influences students’ well-being. This study contributes to the theoretical literature by emphasizing the vital role played by BPNs and subjective vitality in students’ well-being.
Coresponding author: Mohammad Saleem, E-mail:
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• The present study highlights the need for the promotion of well-being among students and the importance of basic psychological needs (BPNs) for their well-being.
• Satisfaction of basic psychological needs enables students to feel vital, which ultimately improves their well-being.
• Results from this study may help students, educators, and other stakeholders to seek and develop supportive environments wherein basic psychological needs are satisfied.
• Helping students to gain initiative for greater independence in decision-making, increasing student competence, and developing relationship-building skills among students is necessary for their full performance.
Plain Language Summary
This study analyzed the relationship between basic psychological needs (BPNs), subjective vitality, and well-being among students. The study provides substantial support for BPNs and subjective vitality as predictors of well-being. Moreover, findings provide insight into the underlying mechanism of BPNs and well-being relationship by highlighting subjective vitality as a potential mediator. The findings from this research have direct implications when the well-being of students is considered. The results showed that subjective vitality mediates the effect of BPNs on well-being. In addition, gender differences were observed in the assessment of BPN in relation to well-being. The results from this study may help students, educators, and other stakeholders to seek and develop a supportive environment wherein BPNs are satisfied in general and domain-specific, which ultimately can improve their vitality and well-being. Universities and colleges should focus on helping students make more independent decisions by affirming their choices, promoting student competence in distinctive ways, and developing relationship-building skills among students. These can be achieved through curricular and co-curricular activities.
Article type:
Original Research Articles |
Psychology Received: 2022/09/26 | Accepted: 2022/12/21 | Published: 2023/09/6
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