Ethics code: IR.SUMS.REHAB.REC.1397.001
Safavi S N, Taghizadeh S, Ahmadi Ashan E. Mildly Kyphotic Students Had More Shoulder Trigger Points Than Students With Normal Spinal Posture. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2024; 22 (2) :285-294
1- Department of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Sciences Research Center, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Abstract: (1580 Views)
Objectives: Painful trigger points (PTP) may be caused or exacerbated by many factors, including abnormal spinal posture. This study compares PTP in the shoulder and scapular areas of mildly kyphotic subjects versus subjects with a normal spine among physiotherapy (PT) students enrolled at Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz City, Iran.
Methods: A total of 60 PT students, 30 with mild kyphosis and 30 with a normal spine, were randomly and voluntarily recruited. The data collection was planned based on the subjects’ spinal posture, shoulder and scapular pain levels, and the intensity of pain evoked in response to pressure. The spinal posture was assessed using a flexible ruler, while the trigger points were evaluated as described previously by Travell and Simon. A digital pressure algometer assessed the subjects’ pain thresholds, and the pain levels were quantified using a visual analog scale (VAS).
Results: The data indicated significant differences between the mildly kyphotic subjects and individuals with a normal thoracic spine posture concerning their trigger points, pain scales, and pressure thresholds that caused pain. Despite the significant differences between both groups for their latent trigger points, the mean scores for the active trigger points were not significantly different.
Discussion: There were more trigger points in students with mild kyphosis than in subjects with a normal spine posture. Meanwhile, mild thoracic kyphosis, likely from imbalanced paraspinal muscles, may be linked to the development and or severity of trigger point pain in mildly kyphotic students.
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● Mild thoracic kyphosis is a common disorder, causing painful trigger points (PTP) in the shoulder and scapular regions.
● Upon the analysis of data, representing the subjects’ demographics, thoracic posture, and shoulder and scapular pain intensity, this study found significantly more trigger points in the mildly kyphotic students than in subjects with a normal thoracic posture.
● Mild thoracic kyphosis may result in trigger points around the shoulder and scapular areas, likely due to paraspinal muscle imbalances.
Plain Language Summary
Ignoring bad posture in young adults, especially university students, can result in mild kyphosis and subsequently painful spots around the upper back and shoulders. This condition is often caused by weakness in the paraspinal muscles. This common problem in young people can be avoided by training and encouraging them to do daily exercises. Such a healthy habit helps students maintain normal posture thus preventing the development of painful spots in the upper back and shoulders.
Article type:
Original Research Articles |
Rehabilitation Management Received: 2023/02/27 | Accepted: 2023/05/8 | Published: 2024/06/1
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