Ethics code: The research has passed Ciputra University School of Medicine ethics clearance with letter number 03
Sanjaya E L, Suminar D R, Fardana N A. Investigating the Adaptation of the Father Nurturance Scale: Validation for Adolescents in Indonesia. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2024; 22 (3) :449-458
1- Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia.
Abstract: (1911 Views)
Objectives: This study tests the internal structure of the nurturance fathering scale (NFS) in the context of adolescents in Indonesia. Adolescents’ perception of paternal presence is important as it has positive impacts on young people’s lives. Father care is not necessarily present in Indonesia’s cultural context. This context underpins the need for a strong scale to measure adolescents’ perceptions of father nurturance.
Methods: The data were collected through self-report using the adaptation of the NFS. Methods used for the current study include a confirmatory factor analysis to assess the internal structure of NFS. The total number of respondents to the study was 324 adolescents.
Results: Eight items from the NFS adapted in the Indonesian version are fit for the sample of adolescents in Indonesia, based on several fit indicators as follows: Comparative fit index (CFI)=0.998, trophic level index=0.998, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)=0.074, standardized root mean square residual=0.037. Meanwhile, the factor loading ranged from 0.808 to 0.947 and the cronbach α coefficient=0.938.
Discussion: The Indonesian iteration of the NFS demonstrates great potential and could prove beneficial in future investigations. It can serve as a foundation for formulating specific policies. The outcomes of this study will act as a catalyst, propelling the advancement of subsequent research about paternal caregiving, particularly within the Indonesian context.
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● The Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection in Indonesia has affirmed that the nation is characterized by a significant population of individuals who lack paternal presence.
● Previous studies have shown that the presence of a father is critical in an adolescent’s life.
A scale measuring adolescents’ perceptions of the presence of a father in their lives is needed for further research and the formulation of policies for related parties.
● The nurturance fathering scale (NFS) adapted in the context of Indonesian adolescents is valid.
Plain Language Summary
The presence of the father has an important impact on various aspects of adolescent development. On the other hand, the Indonesian Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection released data showing that Indonesia is among the ten countries where children do not play the optimal role as fathers. Furthermore, studies of father-centered parenting are still less popular compared to mother-centered parenting or parenting. For this reason, it is considered important to have a measurement tool that is reliable enough to measure father care, especially in the context of adolescents in Indonesia. It is hoped that the existence of a scale reliable enough to use will stimulate further studies focused on paternal care and also on decision-making for related parties. This research aims to adapt the nurturance fathering scale, written in English, to the Indonesian language and context. There are 8 statements to the National Centre of Competence in Research, in which all these statements have been translated and adapted to the Indonesian context. Confirmatory factor analysis is used as the validation method. The respondents included 324 young people, for whom this number was considered sufficient to carry out the validation. The findings from this study found that the nurturance fathering scale adapted to the Indonesian language and context is valid. This is indicated by multiple fit indices that meet the requirements. Thus, the nurturance fathering scale adapted to the Indonesian language and context can be used for other purposes, such as research or decision-making. We hope that the findings of this study will incite additional research endeavors and consequently enhance our understanding of paternal caretaking.
Article type:
Original Research Articles |
Psychology Received: 2023/05/27 | Accepted: 2023/10/18 | Published: 2024/09/1
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