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1- Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital/ Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia
2- Department of Psychiatric, Dr. Hasan Sadikin General Hospital/ Faculty of Medicine Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia
3- Faculty of Medicine
Abstract:   (846 Views)
Introduction: Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) is a multidimensional problem comprised of physical, cognitive, and psychological symptoms experienced by patients during and after intensive care. Symptoms can persist for years and have various impacts on patients and their families. Rehabilitation programs were recognized as a preventive and management strategy of PICS but there are several obstacles in their implementation. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the interventions, outcomes, and barriers to rehabilitation for patients with PICS.
Method: A review study was conducted from November 2020 to January 2021 by analyzing articles selected from Google Scholar and PubMed databases.
Result: Twenty-two articles were eligible for this review. Rehabilitation interventions for patients with PICS were carried out through the ABCDE bundle that consisted of A, airway management, assess, prevent, and manage pain; B, breathing trials, including daily interruptions of mechanical ventilation, spontaneous awakening trials, and spontaneous breathing trials; C, choice of analgesia and sedation, coordination of care, and communication; D, delirium assessment, prevention, and management; and E, early mobility and exercise, physical therapy, early mobilization, cognitive and psychological approaches, intensive care unit diary, education, consultation, alongside with follow-up management. The outcomes observed included improvement in physical and cognitive function, as well as a decrease in psychological symptoms. Meanwhile, the barriers to rehabilitation were patient-related, structural, and cultural.
Conclusion: Rehabilitation interventions for patients with PICS employed a multidimensional approach, demonstrating positive impacts on the physical, cognitive, and psychological function. However, it was found that the presence of barriers hindered the adequate management.
Article type: Reviews | Subject: Rehabilitation Management
Received: 2023/07/6 | Accepted: 2024/01/20

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