Ethics code: CRP/BHPI/IRB/12/2020/410
Afrin N, Hasan M S, Tonmay N P, Ahmed N, Alamgir H M. Investigating the Validity and Reliability of Bengali Version of Communication Outcome After Stroke Scale. Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 2024; 22 (3) :383-394
1- Department of Speech and Language Therapy, Center for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed, Bangladesh Health Professions Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2- Department of Research, Monitoring & Evaluation, Center for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
3- Department of Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Center for Learning Innovation, University of Minnesota Rochester, Rochester, United States.
4- Department of Health Science, Faculty of Public Health, State University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Abstract: (777 Views)
Objectives: The speech and language therapy (SLT) profession in Bangladesh has been around for a decade. Yet, therapists are facing challenges in measuring the effectiveness of SLT services after providing this therapeutic intervention to the patient for a certain period. Due to patients’ demands, there is an increasing need to develop and adapt outcome measurement tools for patients with communication difficulties. Accordingly, this study examines the validity and reliability of communication outcomes after the stroke scale developed in the Bengali language for individuals with stroke.
Methods: Content validity of the communication outcome after stroke Bengali (COAST-BD) scale was determined by item objective congruence (IOC) as ≥0.67 of three experts. Meanwhile, 110 stroke survivors and their caregivers from the SLT department of CRP hospital were enrolled in this study, considering one-to-two-week intervals for examining the test re-test reliability of the scale. The Cronbach α, correlation matrix, the Kaiser-Meyer–Olkin (KMO) test and the Bartlett test (χ2), in addition to the intraclass correlation coefficient, were applied to compute the psychometric properties of the scale. Exploratory factor analysis was applied to identify the potential item structure in the scale.
Results: The Cronbach α coefficient for the internal consistency of the overall scale was 0.97 and 0.89. The interclass correlation coefficient for the test re-test reliability of the COAST-BD scale was 0.96 and the composite reliability score ranged from 0.70 to 0.91. The COAST-BD scale estimated correlated values among its subscales on visit-1 (0.370 to 0.661) and visit-2 (0.288 to 0.520), respectively. The KMO test and χ2 were also calculated correlation values on visit-1 (KMO=0.628; χ2=82.90) and visit-2 (KMO=0.614; χ2=48.10), respectively.
Discussion: The COAST-BD scale showed significant internal consistency, test re-test reliability, correlation matrix, and construct validity.
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● Communication outcome after stroke Bengali (COAST-BD) scale is a patient- and caregiver-centered measurement scale for examining functional communication level in their daily life and exactly of communication effectiveness.
● This scale is focused on the perspective of the quality of life quality of life (QoL) of individuals with stroke.
● The COAST-BD scale shows quickness and easiness of administration, which helps to make the scale practicable during clinical practice
Plain Language Summary
Communication skill plays a vital role in leading a successful conversation during regular activities. In Bangladesh, qualified speech and language therapists have been working to develop several therapeutic intervention tools to assess the population with stroke and dysarthria. Yet, there are numerous possibilities to develop different intervention tools to assess the communication outcomes of patients with stroke in the speech and language therapy (SLT) services of Bangladesh. Particularly, constructive quantitative or qualitative research is desirable to develop this profession by understanding the appropriate effectiveness of SLT interventions in Bangladesh for individuals with communication difficulties. Therefore, this study illustrates a details procedure of linguistic validation and psychometric properties of the COAST scale into the Bengali context to assess the outcomes of after-stroke patients in the SLT services.
Article type:
Original Research Articles |
Speech therapy Received: 2023/11/13 | Accepted: 2024/01/22 | Published: 2024/09/1
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